JOin us Sundays at 10:30am In person or on zoom


Our diverse, multi-generational, Christian community enjoys a lively liturgy that incorporates a variety of styles and music. Services are conducted bilingually in Spanish and English.  

Our youth programs and community organizing activities help to make the church a vital community resource and a model for faith communities seeking to live out their faith in service and the struggle for justice.


We gather for coffee hour fellowship after service every Sunday. We invite everyone to bring treats to share. Some Sundays we hold workshops or conversations about various topics that are relevant to the community. We also have celebratory meals on Christmas Eve, Mother’s Day, Father’s Day, and other special occasions.

Repentance and Reparations

We are actively examining the history of St. Stephen’s, with special attention on possible links to slavery and the slave trade. This work is in keeping with a resolution we sponsored at Diocesan Convention in November of 2020, calling upon the entire Diocese to examine our history. We will continue to update as we learn more.

Christian Education

We offer Church School for children September through the beginning of June. We begin at 10:30 a.m. when the service begins and children usually return to the service at the Passing of the Peace. Learn more about Sunday School and our Christian Education Educator,  Georgia Hall.


Every Wednesday at 7pm we gather on Zoom to pray together. Each week we honor and learn about a different saint in our tradition.

Get in touch

Sign up for our weekly newsletter to stay up to date on events and church happenings.

MeET The Rev. Eva Ortez


The Executive Committee is the governing body of both the church and St. Stephen’s Youth Programs.  

Eva Ortez, Priest-in-charge
Dasan Harrington, Warden
Jenny Gray, Treasurer
Marcos Palmarin, Clerk
Shawna Young, Committee Member
Maria Gray, Committee Member


St. Stephen’s Youth Programs (SSYP) began in 1999 as one church’s effort to provide neighborhood elementary students with a safe place to go when school was over. Today, our successful, cost effective, out-of-school time programming engages 850 young people ages 5-25 from all over Boston, as well as their parents and teachers.


Make a payment on your pledge or a donation to St. Stephen’s and support a vibrant and loving community in the South End.